Police in Lucerne canton state said in exam help statement that the taking pictures occurred presently after 9 a. m. at the premises of Kronospan, exam help agency in the small town west of Lucerne. They said there were ?a couple of dead quiz help a number of heavily injured people?and that rescue services were deployed quiz help the scene sealed off. AP Photo/Keystone, Urs FlueelerA police stands in front of exam help wood processing agency in Menznau, relevant Switzerland, Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2013, where a number of people were killed in exam help capturing. For exam help European, soccer also is called soccer!Games related to the kicking of exam help ball were played in a few international locations across history. Soccer was played in China in the 2nd quiz help 3rd century BC. Romans played it quiz help alternative kinds of soccer were played in medieval Europe. Today, soccer is one of the most popular sport in the world, played by roughly 250 million people in over 200 countries. Let us take exam help examine some essential events that experience shaped the history of this sport. 5000 1000 BC: Historians have pointed out that games such as soccer were played in China, Egypt, Japan, quiz help Greece during this period.