Massive stars?somewhere among eight quiz help 100 times the mass of our Sun?spend much in their lives fusing hydrogen the lightest aspect into increasingly heavier elements, like helium, oxygen, carbon quiz help so on. In the end, there is sort of not anything left but an iron core. Eventually, that core collapses, liberating exam help outstanding amount of energy as neutrinos, magnetic fields quiz help shock waves quiz help destroying the star in the manner. From Earth, this explosive event is accompanied as exam help supernova. If astronomers detect hydrogen, the development is categorised as exam help Type II supernova. And if the hydrogen emission line is narrow, the event is labeled as exam help Type IIn for “narrow”. The mixture of nicotine quiz help carbon monoxide in each cigarette you smoke quickly increases your heart rate quiz help blood pressure, straining your heart quiz help blood vessels. This may cause heart attacks quiz help stroke. It slows your blood flow, cutting off oxygen examination help your feet quiz help hands. Some people who smoke end up having their limbs amputated. Tar coats your lungs like soot in exam help chimney quiz help causes cancer. A 20 exam help day smoker breathes in up exam help exam help full cup 210 g of tar in exam help year.