Ourcurrent products have not generated tremendous advertisement revenue for our Company quiz help there can be no assure that we can generatesufficient sales from the advertisement sale of our items in the near future examination help fund our ongoing capital needs. We have exam help restricted operatinghistory quiz help our enterprise quiz help prospects has to be considered in light of the hazards quiz help uncertainties examination help which early stage companiesare uncovered. We cannot supply assurances that our business strategy could be a hit or that we will successfully tackle thoserisks quiz help the risks defined herein. Most vital, if we are unable examination help secure future capital, we may be unable exam help continueour operations. We may incur losses on exam help quarterly or annual basis for exam help variety of reasons, a few of that may be outside our handle. Our independentregistered public accounting firms report contains an explanatory paragraph that expresses large doubt about ourability exam help continue as exam help going worry.