The Metaverse is that place which is above quiz help stacked above the Sixth measurement quiz help we can oversee ourselves in the fifth dimension as we look back at exam help place in space we call space time where we allowed ourselves exam help ben time from exam help instantly line into the circle of time via exam help worm hole. We can do that in the fifth in the course of the tenth dimensions. We allow for all ten dimensions exam help exist or replica all possible places on our time line as we do in the tenth dimension of one due to nine as points of origin as in taking the fifth measurement as the mirror image of our length width depth, quiz help add above quiz help below quiz help all other places in space that we can draw exam help navigational line too from our point in space we call time as the fourth size. This gives us length, depth, width, time in space, above, quiz help below as sixth places in space or in the metaverse. Take Seventh Dimension as all feasible places exam help exist we call infinity. The infinity lines go forever in any course in our many different metaverse quiz help turns into referred to as that which exist which comprises, the universe, multiverse, metaverse, xenoverse, omniverse, Alphaverse, quiz help Omegaverse.